What's Cookin'?
A few summers ago I read a book about organization for your brain type. It helps you realize what brain type you are and gives tips for that brain type. I knew instinctively that all the left-brained organizational tips and strategies in the world weren't working for me. This book helped me not feel bad about it, lol. I *wish* I could remember the name of the book and find it again (if I remember it or find one similar I'll post it). Our library doesn't carry it. I have always been great at organizing or establishing a system only to see it crash and burn on the day-to-day routine.
Now I try to look at how I am actually living and then try to create some sort of order out of it... not easy, let me tell you! :) Is the mail always dumped on the entry table? Might as well put a basket there! A pile of pens and pads on the kitchen counter? Contain them in a something-or-other. Basically like that. Okay, so we get to my recipes. Recipe cards and boxes: don't work for me. Binders: don't work for me.
How am I living right now regarding recipes?
Part 1: Because of how I am currently cooking, most of my new recipes come from online sources (or Nourishing Traditions
After breakfast I pulled them all out and sorted them into piles. Then I made file folders for each pile. Now they are in a little shelf in the schoolroom (that's right off of the kitchen) next to my copy of Nourishing Traditions
My recipes went from this:
To This:
To This (yeah!):
Part 2: My kitchen counter. I always have a (fat) stash of recipes slid behind dh's snack box on the kitchen counter. His box makes a nice bookend against the wall :). That's where I tend to stash the recipes I need to make soon or that I haven't tried yet. Okay, so following the brain/organizing logic, I'm going to leave them there, but make it "official." I made 2 folders to slip back there: Already Made; and Still to Make/Gottatries. Why an "already made" folder? Because when I'm done making something I tend to stash it back there. Now I can call that organized and when I have a minute sort those into the permanent folders.
Part 3: I started a post about a week ago about online menu planners and recipe organizers. More to come on that...
What's Schoolin'?
I found these nice tulle bags at the dollar store. They were 3 for a dollar. What caught my eye is that these are 5x7 inches and full sets of 3-part cards should fit in them. I haven't decided yet how I'll use them so I only got one pack. Some ideas I have are: to put sets of cards in them and put the bags in the continent boxes; to put more language card sets in them and put the bags in the language basket I have on top of one of the shelves; or to use for 'fish bowl' math equations (probably not because the boxes are working for us).
Thanks - some great ideas. Off to organize.
ReplyDeleteJanet W
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by! I like the icons you have for 'in the schoolroom' and 'in the kitchen'!