Sunday, December 31, 2017

Biology Coloring Pages, Trade Books, and Videos

[This was from a year (or so!) ago... just now posting]
My youngest is doing a speedy study of R.E.A.L. Science - Life (level 1).  It's young for her but we'll be supplementing heavily and I just absolutely love this curriculum to fill in classification gaps before going into high school science [which she'll be starting in the Fall - ACK!].  I wish we had a level 2 but, oh well, we'll make it work :).


Here are some free online coloring pages in a random order (or it'll never be uploaded!).  They recommend Color Anatomy by Christine Becker.  We don't have that book and we would probably want more detail anyway so I started scouting around online.

Variety of Biology coloring pages:

Cells (plant/animal)

Used to label her diagrams of plant and animal cells:





The Basics of Cell Life with Max Axiom, Super Scientist (Keyser)

Random Body Parts: Gross Anatomy Riddles in Verse (for fun!)


Magic School Bus videos (of course!):  Goes Cellular (in the Super Star Power DVD); The Human Body (3 episodes in this video)

Biology Cell Models

What's Schoolin'?

[Note: This is an unfinished draft but I'm posting it now because it looks like it will never be polished/posted if I wait!  I've moved on from teaching Biology classes and youngest Dd is using DIVE Biology along with an outside lab this year.  I'll be pulling in resources from these posts - which is what made me look for them and discover that many of the drafts were never posted!  Hopefully these will be helpful to others... ]

We just finished Module 2 and are in the middle of Module 3 of Apologia's Biology (2nd Ed).  During Module 2 I brought Play-Doh to class and had my students (yes, 9th graders!) make a 2-D cell model using Play-Doh.  For Module 3 I had them make an Amoeba model using colored paper.  Here is my example that I made as I explained it.  A few students wanted to make a Paramecium instead.

High School Biology: Apologia Resources

What's Schoolin'?

[Note: This is an unfinished draft but I'm posting it now because it looks like it will never be polished/posted if I wait!  I've moved on from teaching Biology classes and youngest Dd is using DIVE Biology along with an outside lab this year.  I'll be pulling in resources from these posts - which is what made me look for them and discover that many of the drafts were never posted!  Hopefully these will be helpful to others... ]

I am teaching Biology at a local homeschool enrichment program this year.  Ironically, I never intended to teach Biology to my own homeschoolers and my oldest children did it in a co-op.  Even more ironically, one is currently a Biology major in college :) [update: she graduated!].  Anyway, this post will be a place where I will post online support resources for my general Biology class.  We are using Apologia Biology 2nd Edition.

These schedules have been especially helpful in planning:

Donna Young Biology links (I still need to go through and see what I need):

Great blog with ideas and links for each module:

Quizlet has flash cards and quizzes for each module.  I find it easier to just google "apologia (the module) flash cards" than to search within quizlet.

Dissected Perch Cake, yes, really!  Needs rice crispy treats and fondant.

Activities by topic (a lot of genetics but also other topics):

Great ideas!
Coloring worksheets:
Concept Maps:

Apologia Biology Module 11

[Note: This is an unfinished draft but I'm posting it now because it looks like it will never be polished/posted if I wait!  I've moved on from teaching Biology classes and youngest Dd is using DIVE Biology along with an outside lab this year.  I'll be pulling in resources from these posts - which is what made me look for them and discover that many of the drafts were never posted!  Hopefully these will be helpful to others... ]

Online interactive activities and quizlet quiz:

Apologia Biology Module 12

[Note: This is an unfinished draft but I'm posting it now because it looks like it will never be polished/posted if I wait!  I've moved on from teaching Biology classes and youngest Dd is using DIVE Biology along with an outside lab this year.  I'll be pulling in resources from these posts - which is what made me look for them and discover that many of the drafts were never posted!  Hopefully these will be helpful to others... ]

Online interactive activities and quizlet quiz:

Apologia Biology Module 14

[Note: This is an unfinished draft but I'm posting it now because it looks like it will never be polished/posted if I wait!  I've moved on from teaching Biology classes and youngest Dd is using DIVE Biology along with an outside lab this year.  I'll be pulling in resources from these posts - which is what made me look for them and discover that many of the drafts were never posted!  Hopefully these will be helpful to others... ]

Online interactive activities and quizlet quiz:

Apologia Biology Module 14

[Note: This is an unfinished draft but I'm posting it now because it looks like it will never be polished/posted if I wait!  I've moved on from teaching Biology classes and youngest Dd is using DIVE Biology along with an outside lab this year.  I'll be pulling in resources from these posts - which is what made me look for them and discover that many of the drafts were never posted!  Hopefully these will be helpful to others... ]

Online interactive activities and quizlet quiz:

Apologia Biology Module 15

[Note: This is an unfinished draft but I'm posting it now because it looks like it will never be polished/posted if I wait!  I've moved on from teaching Biology classes and youngest Dd is using DIVE Biology along with an outside lab this year.  I'll be pulling in resources from these posts - which is what made me look for them and discover that many of the drafts were never posted!  Hopefully these will be helpful to others... ]

Online interactive activities and quizlet quiz:

Apologia Biology Module 9

What's Schoolin'?

[Note: This is an unfinished draft but I'm posting it now because it looks like it will never be polished/posted if I wait!  I've moved on from teaching Biology classes and youngest Dd is using DIVE Biology along with an outside lab this year.  I'll be pulling in resources from these posts - which is what made me look for them and discover that many of the drafts were never posted!  Hopefully these will be helpful to others... ]

And now for Module 9...

For this module I plan to show The Mysterious Island video across 2 class periods and just have them write a reflexive essay due the second class day.  The end.

Here is a link to the full Vision Forum movie of The Mysterious Island.  I have it as a DVD also.

This link has a few videos but I honestly have not watched them yet...

Online interactive activities and quizlet quiz:

Apologia Biology Module 10

[Note: This is an unfinished draft but I'm posting it now because it looks like it will never be polished/posted if I wait!  I've moved on from teaching Biology classes and youngest Dd is using DIVE Biology along with an outside lab this year.  I'll be pulling in resources from these posts - which is what made me look for them and discover that many of the drafts were never posted!  Hopefully these will be helpful to others... ]

Good tutorial for a mason jar terrarium and water cycle:

Online interactive activities and quizlet quiz:


Possible Labs:

Predator/Prey Game (with graph):

Freshwater Ecosystem in a jar (freshwater plant, snails, shrimp, rocks with algae or dried bacteria)(see pet store for items):

Bottle Biology:  Teraqua or Decomposition Bottle Columns:



Apologia Biology Module 13

[Note: This is an unfinished draft but I'm posting it now because it looks like it will never be polished/posted if I wait!  I've moved on from teaching Biology classes and youngest Dd is using DIVE Biology along with an outside lab this year.  I'll be pulling in resources from these posts - which is what made me look for them and discover that many of the drafts were never posted!  Hopefully these will be helpful to others... ]

Online interactive activities and quizlet quiz:

Frog dissection videos: