What's Schoolin'?
For elementary Math we've always used Excel Math (from AnsMar Publishing) and absolutely love it. There was the one year that we tried the very popular Math-U-See but it wasn't a match for us. We also heavily use Montessori scope/sequence/materials in Math.
Once we outgrew Excel (I so wish they went beyond 6th grade!) we shifted to Teaching Textbooks. This last Spring one dd switched from TT Algebra 1 to Life of Fred Beginning Algebra (we're not very thrilled with this book, by the way). She wants to go back to TT for Geometry and Algebra 2. Other dd did TT Algebra 1 and 2 (only 2 more lessons, yeah!!). For Geometry she is going to use Life of Fred and then either TT or this textbook/solutions manual I found at the used homeschool store [Discovering Geometry: An Investigative Approach Textbook
Ask Dr. Callahan Algebra 2 with Trigonometry (Pre-Calculus):
This looks like a really good program for Pre-Calculus. It's labeled college-level Algebra 2 with Trigonometry but in the description it is also labeled as Pre-Calculus. It could also be used as a stand-alone Trigonometry course if the child has already taken Algebra 2. I like all of that flexibility. It's much, much more than I like to spend on curriculum but has the teaching DVDs, textbook, solutions guide for selected problems, and teacher's guide with the syllabus, tests, and key. There is also a solutions manual with all of the problems worked out that is sold separately. However, by dividing things up I can get it for a comparable price as Teaching Textbooks.
Algebra 2 with Trig Bundle:
Solutions manual for all problems:
You can get the elements separate if you want also (in case I find a great deal on the book elsewhere, this is good to know):
DVD set ($165):
Used Textbook [College Algebra with Trigonometry 7th Ed]($80)(I found some cheaper on Amazon
The text is actually available online here (free):
The text is actually available online here (free):
The Teacher's Guide download is here (free):
Printed version ($12):
The Solutions to Selected Problems download is here (free):
Printed version:
Any nominal referral fee from affiliate links helps to support our homeschool.
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