Right Start Math Card Game Set on Sale:
If you use Right Start, this set is on sale for $50 (usually $78):
SAT Preparation:
~ Here is a SAT Prep book that was recommended on one of the loops. For the cost (and 2 children using it) I think it's worth the $13 (41% off):
~ You can get the SAT prep with a DVD at College Board for $32 here:
~ Ah! I just found the same one with the DVD for much less here (2012 copyright)($19; 43% off). I ended up getting my copy at the book fair at the Rainbow Resource booth.
~ Here is some free practice on the College Board website. There is also a place to get recommendations from them for your studies. If you've taken the PSAT (which mine will take in Oct) then you can get personalized study plan (cool!):
~ Here is an online SAT Quick Test Prep course through Homeschooling Connections for this summer session ($30):
~ This was in a newsletter from Gravitas Publications that puts out the Real Science 4 Kids curriculum. It's a free download:
What's Cookin?
We're eating a lot of chicken lately (although we're down to our last few broilers in the freezer :( ) so I was thrilled to see these 4 chicken salad recipes:
Cilantro Lime Pesto Black Bean Burritos:
Apple Ginger Smoothie:
Whole Wheat Crackers. I'm constantly on the look-out for cracker recipes since I don't buy them at the store (well... rarely. When I do they are usually Jacob's Cream Crackers
What's Green?
In our previous house I had several small raised garden beds and was finally getting the hang of it. One of my concerns with my organic garden was the garden hose or even the water itself. One thing I had considered was a hose like the ones used for RVs but that wouldn't solve the water issue or water from a rain barrel that caught water from the roof. I had no idea that there were garden hose filters until Kelly the Kitchen Kop had a recent giveaway for one.
That made me look around some more and I found quite a few options:
Click here to see more garden hose filter options
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