Youngest dd made homemade Oreos from scratch as a surprise yesterday. Wow. I got kicked out of the kitchen and only came in to help her with the hand mixer a few times (on the promise that I would not look at the recipe or what I was mixing ;) ). She's 10 and I'm thrilled that she can (literally) think outside of the box and realizes that she can make processed food with trans fats and food additives at home with healthy ingredients. This is a treat and it wouldn't be healthy to eat that much sugar every day, but I sure didn't want to discourage her efforts. And of course, with the glass of milk it can sort of, kind of, peripherally, be considered a healthy snack (!).
Here is the link that she used and we happened to have all of the ingredients on-hand. She used homemade powdered sugar (made from rapadura), palm shortening (NON trans fat), free range egg, rapadura for the sugar, real vanilla, and Rumford Aluminum Free Baking Powder
What's Schoolin'?
As I was sending a post to a homeschool group with some links for Georgia history (the US state Georgia, not the country Georgia) I thought I would share it here just in case some of my dear loyal readers are in Georgia.
Here are some lesson links, but beware of Mr. Donn's... It's easy to get lost in his website because there is so much good stuff!
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