We're almost ready to start the 20th century in US history so I need to go ahead and make a decision...
I really, really, really like In the Hands of a Child lapbooks. I have been please with every one that I have seen or used. Here is their 20th century US History lapbook. I like that it goes through 2009:
http://www.handsofachild.com/shop/A-Summary-Review-of-American-History-1900-2009-Project-Pack-P1586.aspx ($20 for the e-book)
Same one on currclick so you can compare prices before ordering:
These are the A Journey through Learning ones. I was a little confused in the difference between the "Lapbook and Study Guide" and the "Unit Study." After closely comparing them, it seems as though the unit study has a bit more. They have a few more topics and more pages. I have not used this company's lapbooks before but after looking through them I am game to try them this go-round.
Lapbook with study guide (56 pages)
Unit study (same cover as above)(83 pages)
This looks different on the outside (go to history; overview of 20th century):
I don't know why I want a separate little booklet for each decade in addition to main events. We'll probably do those on our own. That's where this resource
[UPDATE: Aargh! I'm so frustrated with myself... The "Unit Study" does NOT have minibooks for lapbooking! It's doesn't actually say lapbook in the description but I got confused because they use the same info pages for the topics, similar table of contents, similar topics, etc. I thought I was getting the lapbook study guide plus some. (huge sigh) We'll make it work but the point was not needing to do any thinking to put it together - for it to save dc time because they don't have much right now. After all of that time/thought investigating these and now I have major buyer's remorse.]
Totally unrelated: In their junior/senior year I was thinking about an original document study. Well, I just saw this on currclick on the same page as the above lapbook. It's called America's Greatest Documents by A Journey through Learning:
In a nutshell: I'll use the unit study from A Journey through Learning on sale right now at currclick for $9.75 (happy dance!). Yes, cost is a factor because, you know, I have to buy that food coloring and those candy canes I posted about earlier
Another Chemistry Book!