Today is what most people celebrate as Halloween. We celebrate All Hallows Eve and focus on studying/celebrating the saints. This year it will be oh-so-simple due to oh-so-many constraints but this is what we have planned.
Halo cake: This was dd's brilliant idea as we thought about what we had on-hand. We just happen to have a cake in the freezer begging to be decorated and eaten.
Halos: We'll enjoy some Halo clementine oranges for snack.
St. Lucy's Eyes: Grapes - morbid, I know!
St. Francis' Guessing Jar: A jar filled with Annie's cheddar bunnies [See THIS post that inspired this idea].
Movies: We've checked out several saint biographies from the local library AND Amazon Prime has quite a few for free download for Prime members. I'll update later with a list of what we watched/checked out/discovered.
This was amazing - I learned so much!
All Soul's Day [Dia de los Muertos]:
HERE is a quick recipe for Soul Cakes
Pray for Us November candy/treat bags: From THIS blog.