What's Schoolin'?
The olders have just finished reading
T.S. Eliot's play Murder in the Cathedral 
which won a Nobel Prize for Literature in 1935. It is a short read, but very rich in content and literary merit. Here is what we did:
1. Independent instructions: Read up to page 16. List unfamiliar words in Lit Response Notebook. Write a brief summary of what is happening so far in the play.
2. Finish reading independently.
3. I read the Chorus part aloud on pages 18 - 19 beginning with "Here is no continuing city, here is no abiding stay. Ill the wind, ill the time..." and ending with "...A doom on the house, a doom on yourself, a doom on the world." [I read very dramatically :)]
4. Writing extension: Write a comparison/contrast essay comparing
Murder in the Cathedral
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.
5. Read
If All the Swords in England: A story of Thomas Becket by Barbara Willard 
[Note: dd said it was really good because it was written from both perspectives (King Henry II and St. Thomas Becket). The 2 main characters are twins and go to serve each side.][One of them read this before Murder in the Cathedral and the other dd read it after - doesn't matter.]
6. Here is a biography of St. Thomas a Becket:
7. Here is part 1 of 15 of the movie
Becket starring Richard Burton and Peter O'Toole (1964). 
I was able to find this in the library. This is not based on Eliot's play, but rather a play by Jean Anouilh entitled Becket:
Same movie except in only 4 parts:
8. Horrible Histories of Henry II as he reaches the end of his pilgrimage of public penance for the murder [If you are not familiar with Horrible Histories... it's sort of like Monty Python-ish so preview first!]:
Other resources:
This is an audio of the book:
This book happens right after the martyrdom of St. Thomas Becket but really has nothing to do with it :).
The Hidden Treasure of Glaston (Living History Library)
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