What's Schoolin'?
~ Phew! Here is my plan for high school Physics for my olders. My goal is to bridge the gap between purely conceptual Physics and 'formulaic' Physics (I made up that word!). You'll see that I just did it by the week, not by the day. Seriously, daily plans would drive me batty because I would need to change it constantly as life evolves. This works much better for my family.
Please let me know if the link acts up as they occasionally do with google docs. It should take you right to the pdf. I hope you find it useful. Please remember that this is for your personal use only. If you share this resource with others it would be great if you gave them the link to the post. Also, if you find it particularly useful, any donations are appreciated and go directly to support our children's 4-H projects (the button is upper left on the blog page). Just ignore any notes that don't make sense - I occasionally make notes to myself in my syllabi :).
Click HERE for the pdf.
~ One more thing... This is probably even more helpful to more people because anyone using any curriculum for Physics can use this to supplement their course. This is a document in which I've sorted tons and tons of websites by topic (really by chapter but the topics are listed by the chapter). It has resources for a w-i-d-e variety of ages. I like to e-mail these to my olders so they can just open it on a computer anywhere and just click on the links for whatever chapter they need.
Click HERE for the pdf.
I hope these are a blessing to someone else out there in the same boat as I: wanting to bridge the Physics gap for a well-rounded course without either losing your hair or getting many more gray ones over it (I've already done the hair part for you!).
Here and here are my other Physics posts.
Recap of resources used in the syllabus:
PS: If you need the Power Basics for Chemistry they can be found here:
Power Basics Chemistry Student Book
Power Basics Chemistry Teacher's Guide
Any referral fees generated from affiliate links help to support our homeschool.
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