What's Cookin'?
We've been "freezer diving" this week and have had to be very creative to use only what we have on-hand (except for more eggs this week - I've gotta have eggs!). Inspired by this recipe (from my last Gottatries post), I'm making Mexican tamales tonight for dinner using some Bob's Red Mill Masa Harina, 1/3 lb pre-cooked (grass-fed) ground beef, and some corn shucks/husks that have been in the school supply closet for, um, let's just say a long time that never got used to make corn-husk dolls. I have a bit of frozen corn but I'll just serve that on the side. I either found the Masa Harina at Big Lots (they sell Bob's Red Mill products!) or got it from Azure Standard, I can't remember - it's been several months. It is treated with lime so I should be okay with it. Regarding the GMO issue, this is from their website: "Are your products genetically modified? No. All of our products originate from identity-preserved, non-GMO seeds. This means that the seed planted in the ground is non-GMO. We do not guarantee the complete absence of GMO materials in our products because of wind drift, pollinators and our lack of testing equipment." Anyway, I grew up with Salvadoran (or Salvadorean) tamales so this should be interesting...
Along that note about only using what we have on-hand, youngest dd made up a recipe this morning and wrote it down - I should post it, eh? Anyway, after making it she wrote it out for her own cookbook. Here is the intro:
"If you don't have any butter, oil, shortening, vanilla, or milk, try the Sunrise Sweet Bar. It's fast to make, easy, and yummy in your tummy when you start your day with this sweet snack." Tan linda!! She's giving me quite a lesson in happy resourcefulness and doing without with great cheer. She thoroughly enjoyed making up the recipe, cooking it, and especially eating it! She did such a great job and it rose just enough.
I hope this inspires some of you to do your own "freezer diving" and see what inspired meals you concoct :).
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I hope we get to see what she made! I look the ingredients she had to work with. I'm going through a full kitchen remodel right now and I'm doing lots of freezer diving. :)