What's Cookin'?
Dc made THE most amazing pizza the other day. I got some nitrate/msg free pepperoni (still a compromise) and youngest dd sliced up and lightly sauteed onion and bell pepper in butter and coconut oil to soften it before adding it to the pizza. The onion and bell pepper were from the local farmers' market and they were so crisp and sweet - mmm. I could not find ANY mozzarella made from hormone free milk where I was shopping :( so I got Cacique brand because it at least only had basic ingredients. If you buy shredded cheeses, you may want to look at the ingredients again. Now they mostly all have a 'mold inhibiting' additive. Good grief - cheese molds. That's life. Another additive to give our children without really knowing what effects it'll have in the long run... Ever since they started that we only buy block cheese. Anyway, their pizza was worthy of a photo (batteries for my camera is going on the shopping list!).
What's Schoolin'?
As I put the finishing touches on my Physics syllabus and prepare to upload that, online resources (sorted by topic/chapter), and maybe a separate materials list for experiments, I wanted to compile my resources in one post. I hope to upload the rest today or tomorrow - depending on family activities and my brain fog level. All of the below resources are aligned in the syllabus.
CPSL: Conceptual Physics Supplementary
Websites: See Physics Online Supplementation document for websites correlated with the RS4K chapters. This will be uploaded by me as a separate document.
Websites: See Physics Online Supplementation document for websites correlated with the RS4K chapters. This will be uploaded by me as a separate document.
[NOTE: After completing the syllabus
we will be going through The Power Basics set of Physics curriculum
to round it all out and fill in any gaps.]
Power Basics Physics (text)
Power Basics Physics (test pack)
Power Basics Physics (teacher's guide)
I found a used set that includes the workbook here: Set (Student Text and Workbook) (Power Basics Science, Physics)
[update: one more resource I'll be using at the tail end for review is a set of computer CDs from Speedstudy called (aptly!) Physics 1
and Physics 2
(although this says Quickstudy the picture is exactly the same so I think this may be the updated one - you would need to check compatibility as with all software purchases) . These are not easy for initial use, nor comprehensive as far as I can tell from previewing them. I think this will be a nice review in another format.]
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Power Basics Physics (text)
Power Basics Physics (test pack)
Power Basics Physics (teacher's guide)
I found a used set that includes the workbook here: Set (Student Text and Workbook) (Power Basics Science, Physics)
[update: one more resource I'll be using at the tail end for review is a set of computer CDs from Speedstudy called (aptly!) Physics 1
Any small referral fee generated from affiliate links helps to support our homeschool.
I've uploaded my final syllabus and online resources here: