Monday, July 21, 2014

Deal Alert: 20% off Lavender (Young Living)

What's Savin'?

Young Living Lavender essential oil is 20% off through July 22, 2014.  Yeah!  I just ordered one.  If you are a member and missed the announcement, now is your chance to head on over to order some.  If you are not a member, this is a good time to sign up... or you can order as a customer instead of a member.  It's a quick turnaround but I hope this sale is helpful to someone who was needing lavender.

Member price: $18.80 (plus tax/shipping) - regular price is $23.50 plus tax/shipping

Customer retail price: $24.74 (plus tax/shipping) - regular price is $$30.92 plus tax/shipping

To order the lavender go here.
To sign up with me and receive the great discounts go here.

[I, literally, just opened the web site linked to above, so... please let me know if there are any kinks to iron out with it.  Thanks!]

Why use Lavender essential oil?

Here is the product information:

It is one of the three oils in the "allergy bomb" that has really helped my children this season.

Here is a (rather long!) audio about the Lavender product.

I could say a lot more about lavender, but then I would never get this sale post out!

I am a Young Living distributor and may receive a commission on any sales through these links.  Thank you for your support!

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