What's Schoolin'?
I've been scouting around online for resources to teach personal finance to my olders. My oldest will be doing a Topics in Mathematics/Independent Study for her fourth Math and I foresee the same for my next dd. Most of the course will be Mathematical Applications in Agriculture; however, the other main topic will be personal finance. She's also taking Economics this year but I already have a book for that that I picked up a few years ago [Economics: Learning About Our United States].
Here is my brainstorm list and I'll post later about the library books I liked and if I got any of the others (mainly the Larry Burkett
My first thought was to look into Dave Ramsey's high school course
Online Resources:
This is a free online course that uses modules with simple quizzes. There is a sample unit on the left tool bar. You have to register and it asks for your name, address, etc so I haven't registered yet. The sample module is plain and dry with the text read aloud. It may actually be a good fit for one dd who is sensitive to computer screens. She can just listen and then answer the questions.
Practical Money Skills for Life has lesson plans for all ages. It appears to be free but requires registration so I haven't tried it yet. It's from the VISA website:
Free printable economics/personal finance study cards ("2-part" cards - the answer/control can be written on the back of each definition card):
There are some kid-friendly aps here. I don't have an iPad so can't preview them:
Free financial literature curriculum. [Note to self: get/print these!] You can print the pdf or request the materials.
Free high school financial planning program (NEFE: USDA, CUNA sponsored). You have to register and can use online or order print materials.
Money Smart for Youth from the FDIC. It is a free CD. I already ordered it and will know later if I like it or not...
For my youngest:
Money Games here at this VISA website:
Book and Video Resources:
I was able to check out these out from the library:
Video by Standard Deviants - Learn Personal Finance:
Rich Dad Poor Dad for Teens:
Investment Guide for Teens:
Money Smarts by Lucy O'Neill.
Here are some I bookmarked on Amazon that I'm considering but I'll see if any of the library ones will work first. However, one I will probably buy if I'm able is the Money Matters Workbook for Teens by Larry Burkett.
Why Didn't They Teach Us That in School?
Financial Literacy for Teens:
Success 101 for Teens:
High School Money Book:
Teen's Guide to Personal Finance:
I really, really would rather try this one.
Money Matters Workbook for Teens:
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