I actually uploaded photos today on my computer (yes, all 375 of them!) so here it is in its glory:
I took pictures of her work but unfortunately I was borrowing other dd's camera for that so... those photos will come later. When they do, you'll see her layouts for Native Tribes, rivers, and cities. I have the controls in page protectors and the cards for each work in their respective sleeve (along with blue pipe cleaners for rivers and chips for cities).

I have 40 pounds of ugly apples sitting in 2 small boxes on my kitchen table and I couldn't be happier :). I didn't process any today but we've been snacking on them. They may not be "grocery store pretty" but they are crunchy, sweet, and in danger of not making it to the freezer, stove/canner, or dehydrator! I plan on preslicing and freezing in 2 C quantities for pies/cobblers/crisps/applesauce or whatever. I also plan on dehydrating a bunch for snacks (and I have precious little freezer space). I would like to go ahead and can applesauce but I no longer have a water bath canner - I'll see what I can do with my soup pot.
Hmmm.... I think I'll go soak some yogurt dough right now for a pie tomorrow!
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