What's Schoolin'?
Here are some resources I've come across as I prepare for the first day of class and some random thoughts...
I got each student a quadrille (graph paper) composition notebook to use for their Lab Notebook. They are only $1 at Wal-Mart right now [Sorry, I got the last 8 at my store!]. Years ago when I spent h-o-u-r-s looking for the perfect lab notebook for my olders I settled on quadrille paper. Actually, there was the most perfect paper at the dollar store but I could never find it again when we ran out. It was lined on the front side with graph paper on the back. Too cool! Anyway, we found that it works just as fine as the fancy ones I found online.
Here is a great idea of using a 5 subject divided spiral with sections for vocabulary words, on your own questions, study guide questions, and labs (with an extra section):
Very good description of setting up a lab notebook:
I really like this explanation and example of a lab write-up. I'll adjust it and use it for class:
A nice schedule/lessons with notes. Mine is already made but I found this helpful and will print it to keep with mine.
An updated version of the same:
This is where I found them:
By the way, these schedules are fantastic. I've printed a few in hopes of following them, lol... but I will try again :). Youngest really likes to have things laid out, planned, scheduled, and trackable. Go figure! Mainly I will print them out for her for Teaching Textbooks. Last year she had me go through Excel Math and write down where she needed to be when in order to finish the curriculum at the end of May. Again, go figure!
Here is her core foundations schedule for Apologia's Physical Science. I may print this out as well to keep on hand.
Those lined and squared pages (alternating pages) sounds neat.... I'll be on the look out for those.... ;)