What's Schoolin'?
The idea for a chicken study and these cards are just so wonderful that I had to post about them :). Go over here to see her 3-Part Cards for combs, anatomy, and vocabulary:
On one of the forums someone was wanting to make matching cards for the male, female, and chick of different breeds for the child to match the set for each breed. Another great idea!
What else is schoolin'?
We've been putting our livestock judging materials to good use. Friday the olders spent an hour studying in the schoolroom and younger did shelf work on a quilt on the floor so she could eavesdrop and pick up some knowledge.
We're getting into Canterbury Tales on Monday. What I thought would be a good car read-aloud... wasn't (more on that later).
Younger finished her Science Curriculum. I wanted to do Biomes next but life is about to take a steep turn so I may need to do something less hands-on...
What's Cookin'?
The olders are in the kitchen right now making brownies, cookies, and bread dough.
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