What's Schoolin'?
Here is a great homeschool online sale: 30% off! The sale goes until July 31st:
Free famous people notebooking pages:
Free CLEP lesson plans for independent study:
They recommend the following for American Literature prep (but add in Williams and O'Neil playwrights)[The Complete Idiot's Guide to American Literature
(I do not like the title but I'd like to look at it); American Literature (Barron's Ez-101 Study Keys)
]. They also have the student watch one of these videos a week:
Here are the lesson plans for American Lit:
These are recommended for the Analyzing and Interpreting Literature CLEP (rumored to be one of the easier CLEPs). Their lesson plans for this study is only 3 weeks:
What's Cookin'?
I've compiled some sourdough recipes. My starter is off to a running start and I have a side bucket that I've been feeding and feeding and feeding because I didn't have time to bake. Now that the "bread bucket" is overflowing today is the day! This empty gallon bucket from Tropical Traditions' coconut oil is perfect.
I tried these muffins from Katie at Kitchen Stewardship and they were amazing. I didn't have any muffin tin liners so I just used a 9x9 glass pan. I did one batch with blueberries and 2 batches with pumpkin that I found in the freezer.
We really need tortillas today since I have red beans ready to turn on in the crockpot. We're eating a lot of beans and rice lately (but the meatloaf yesterday was amazing!) so hopefully I'll get a few batches soaking here in a minute:
This is the recipe I used several years ago and I'm trying it again today. I liked it because you basically just had to remember to do something at breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Sourdough Whole Wheat Crackers: I'm always trying new cracker recipes. This uses 1 C starter, 1 C flour, 1/4 C fat (coconut oil, softened butter, palm shortening, lard...), 1/2 teaspoon salt.
This is the sourdough e-course from GNOWFGLINS. I would love to take this one day :).
Sourdough English Muffins (how I miss Eng Muffins!):
Sourdough Monkey Bread:
Another version of blueberry muffins:
Schnecken sweet rolls (I think this could be rolled out when you would punch down the bread or after the sourdough starter/flour has soaked):
I have NOT had good results with sourdough biscuits :(. After several tries with 2 different recipes I'll just stick with soaked recipes for biscuits. On the other hand... the hockey pucks came in handy when I needed bread crumbs for the meatloaf!
Money Saver Alert: I just got 4 loaves of sourdough bread, 1 batch of sourdough crackers, and a huge batch of sourdough tortillas from ONE 5-lb bag of white whole wheat flour that cost me just under $3.00 (it's not great flour - just Kroger brand so I'm sure it has bromide and pesticide. I hope to get some organic from Azure soon for about the same price). Add in minimal additional ingredients and we can push it to a cost of $3.50. Even if I was getting the dollar bread that dh loves with all of the additives and L-cysteine (an excitotoxin like msg) and the least expensive crackers and tortillas (worth 2 packs at least) I would have spent at least $7.00 on the same amount of food! If I was getting healthy versions of the same items it would have been at least double that amount.
Now I'm down to one bag of white whole wheat flour and the dc are busy making all-natural dog treats and horse treats to sell to support their 4-H projects - hopefully these baked goods will last all week!
I used this sourdough starter
from Cultures for Health and it's doing great so far! It was actually cheaper for me at Amazon because I got free shipping with a combined order. They have many Cultures for Health sourdough starters and sourdough resources.
This is part of Real Food Wednesday:
Any referral funds procured from product links are used to support our homeschooling, supplements, and food (yes, I even buy food at Amazon!).
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