What's Cookin'?
Tropical Traditions has their gallon of organic palm shortening on sale 42% off this week until May 13th. I have it in my cart right now as I decide whether or not I can get it. I normally find Spectrum organic palm shortening in local stores for almost $7 for 24 ounces/1.5 pounds (less than 1 quart). The TT sale is $23.59 for 112 ounces/7 lbs. I figured it out to be a savings of approx $8.60 without shipping cost. They also have the lip moisturizer dc and I use 2 for $3.25. That's a steal!
Tropical Traditions Weekly Sales
Here is a picture of the food-dyed Easter eggs that I discussed in this post.
What's Green?
Here is a picture of the Easter baskets I mentioned at the bottom of this post (I used clay pots instead of "baskets" for Easter baskets this year). I forgot to take a "before" picture without children with the pots plain with goodies in them. This is (obviously!) after the dc painted them. I have the varnish and the dirt to FINALLY get my strawberries, cucumbers, and such container-potted. Poor plants are barely hanging on in their tiny nursery pots. It didn't occur to me to tell them *not* to paint inside the pots and 2 have paint inside. I'm not sure how to deal with this. I think I'll varnish the outside and then try to wash off the paint from the inside before planting. By the way, I got 'made in the USA' clay pots at Wal-Mart so I'm thinking that there won't be any lead or nasties in our 'organic' container garden.
What's Schoolin'?
~ Middle dd just finished her second day with her new Algebra 1 curriculum: Life of Fred. She likes it better so far. I was able to sell her Teaching Textbooks and buy the LOF at the same time at a local homeschool store so she didn't have to go any time without (she didn't want to go a month without doing Math while I sold TT online and used that money for LOF, so, although I got less for the TT than I would've online I was able to do an immediate transaction - worth it for dd's peace of mind... "following the child" in olders looks soooo much different than in youngers!)
~ I pulled out all of our fractions shelf work and laid it out on a blanket last week for youngest dd. I meant to take a picture to post before she cleaned up but she was too quick! She and I had fun playing Hamburger Station and then she found the circle contraption where you slide the dial around and it gives you equivalents for fractions and percentages.... I need to post a better description and link for this, eh?
~ Oldest dd recently finished Mark Twain's book of humorous stories and is starting The Prince and the Pauper. I thought we would read it when we studied the Middle Ages but both older dds are itching to read it now, so... okay (yes, see? More "following the child"!). We'll probably do a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court at that point... if my olders don't snag it beforehand :).
There are many home schooling books both new and used on Amazon. Here is the general search:
Home Schooling Books at Amazon
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