We plan on celebrating a domestic May Crowning on May 10th. It will be very, very simple.
Here is some music (the songs continue after the first one)(you may have to cut/paste the url):
We have some songs on our Little Flowers CD and I have a CD of Gregorian Chants that could be background musicvwhile we snack.
When I hear Bring Flowers of the Rarest or Salve Regina I'm immediately taken back to the 5th grade when we did a small procession and May Crowning at the parochial school I attended in Missouri for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th. The small convent was right next to the small school and it is a sweet, positive memory.
Some food ideas (which is a bit restricted due to lack of blue food coloring right now - maybe that should be my first color of the India Tree Decorating Sugars. I have more food coloring options here):
~ Blueberry muffins
~ Monkey Bread Crown Cake (with a little vase of flowers in the center of it)
~ Grapes and raisins rosary http://catholicicing.com/2010/05/make-and-edible-rosary-fun-for-catholic/
~ There are several good ideas here but I think I'll just do the Mystical Roses and Vessels of Honor. Since we use natural soda with no fake coloring, we may just make it more like just ice cream floats - without the blue coloring from the gelatin (we use Blue Sky
or Hansen
for about $3 for 6 cans for rare treats).
~ Lily sandwiches to represent her purity; yeah, I think I can handle this :). I can make a chicken sandwich spread from one of the last home-raised chickens in the freezer.
~ Little crown rice krispie treats. We made homemade marshmallows for our grotto a while back. I only have a few marshmallows left in the freezer so we would need to make more.
~ Incredible Marian titles luncheon ideas. I was unaware of many of these titles. Have I ever mentioned how my dc know more than I do and that I am learning along with them??
Some other ideas:
~ http://stbrigidsacademy.blogspot.com/2010/04/marys-little-crowns.html
~ stained-glass coloring page (if you use regular markers and then dab with oil it will be translucent and looks nice in a window): http://lh5.ggpht.com/_MdFAvHoXosQ/S9J6SJd6wNI/AAAAAAAACR8/A21cssrkn_o/s1600-h/Mary-Jesus%20mosaic%5B3%5D.jpg
~ There are some free coloring pages at St. Anne's Helper:
You can find more ideas at Catholic Icing and Catholic Cuisine:
We don't really have a good statue of Mary so I was browsing and found many online here:
Mary statues at Amazon
I especially like this one for its size, price, and simplicity:
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