Wednesday, February 20, 2013
What's Cookin'?
Pumpkin Pudding Pie:
Santa Fe Stuffed Peppers:
No Flour Peanut Butter Cookies (PB, egg, sugar)
Another bread recipe to try:
Chicken Nuggets. I really like the baked nuggets recipe that I use using pre-cooked chicken but here is another version that looks really tasty (uses raw pieces and is fried):
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Things have really been busy this month and it's just flown by without much breathing room! We sold our 4-H goat (The very day he was headed for the feed lot we were able to sell him for a pet! Yeah!), did a calf scramble, did a goat judging contest, got our first SAT scores back (poor dd only had 2 days to prep for it 'cuz we spent most of January sick and doing the goat show!), have buckled down with school, visited my mom, and volunteered at a local theater. The rest of the month will see us doing 4-H community service projects (Quilt Challenge for all of us, plus oldest dd is collecting for sack lunches that our church hands out to the homeless and middle dd will be doing a horticulture workshop/community service project in March-ish). I wish I could say we will be putting in the garden and the chicken coop, but, you know... life isn't just about a garden and coop, right? (sigh) I've been having a hard time letting those 2 things go.
As if that wasn't enough :), I started my own home bakery this week (cottage industry) and got my first order! Yeah! Well, that's not counting all of the brownies that my own children bought Sunday, lol. Should I tell them that I would've just given them the brownies? Actually, that was my egg money for Monday so it worked out well! The name is Spiritus Sancti Bakery which is "of the Holy Spirit" in Latin. I'm only using real food ingredients! If you know me in real life and want some bread without the yuckies for a reasonable price, let me know.
What's Schoolin'?
The olders: We f-i-n-a-l-l-y finished The Aeneid . Now we're reading Shakespeare's Julius Caesar (Folgar Library edition) . They are really enjoying it and do a hilarious interpretation of the Plebians.
Next it will be Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History (Church History). I've been previewing it and marking off pages for them to read (hope to post that later), leaving out some of the gore. The evil inside some people and what they invent to torture and kill people is beyond me! It's an amazing book and I'm so glad to be reading this important Church History book. I hope to have even a smidgen of the courage and steadfastness demonstrated by the early Christians (and even up to and including modern martyrs).
After Eusebius we'll tackle Bede's Ecclesiastical History of the English People. This is all really stretching me as a learner to keep ahead of them!
Youngest dd: We have really been enjoying the experiments in her Earth Science curriculum. I've taken some pictures, but I just haven't uploaded them yet. She has been checking out a ton of Hank the Cowdog books. Some are great, some not so great.
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Saturday, February 2, 2013
Clean 15; Dirty Dozen
What's Cookin'?
I like to post this now and then. This is EWG's 2012 Shopping Guide. I keep one in my purse because I can never remember the list and sometimes I run into a food I don't buy often enough to know off the top of my head. Actually, it's now in youngest dd's purse because she confiscated it one day - and pulls it out at the store sometimes to help me :).
Things that I buy regularly that I DO get organic:
- apples
- potatoes
- carrots
- celery
- tomatoes
- blueberry (I get from Canada, organic, or from other clean sources - check on the bag to see where it is from if you buy off-brands like I do)(the dirty dozen ones are domestic)
Things that I buy regularly that I do NOT get organic:
- bananas
- oranges
- lemons
- canteloupe (domestic)
- mangoes
- sweet potatoes
Now that I see sweet peas on the Clean 15 list I won't worry so much about it because I was buying frozen organic peas also.